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What are religious acts of devotion?

Acts of devotion are how Christians participate in their personal relationship with their friend, Jesus Christ (John 15:15-16). Showing up daily in prayer, whether you are alone or with others, keeps you close to God. Prayer is like conversation with your beloved.

-Discipleship Ministries

Available from The Parish Office

Please contact the office at 709-834-94891 or email 


Prayers for our Sick listing in Bulletin

Mass Cards - $5
Burning of the Tabernacle Sanctuary Candle $5 per week

Burning of the St. Thomas of Villanova

                                                 Sanctuary Lamp $5 per week
St. Thomas Shrine Luminary Candles - $2 suggested

                                                                  minimum donation

Enrolment into the Brown Scapular

Other Devotions



The word “novena” is derived from the Latin word for nine, or “novem.” Typically, a novena refers to nine days of prayer, asking God for a specific intention, often through a Saint’s intercession.

Novenas are a beautiful way to grow purposeful, consistent, and persistent in daily prayer.

Many of the most popular and widely-prayed novenas begin or end on a Saint’s feast day. And it’s important to note that while most novenas are indeed nine days long, there are some exceptions.






Spiritual Bouquet


A Spiritual Bouquet is an offering of prayer(s) and or sacrifices to a person as a gift. Traditionally it is given in the form of a card to the recipient to notify them of the prayer(s) and sacrifices offered for them. Spiritual Bouquets can be included as a card along with a gift or a prayer package/ bundle from a group of people. The offerings and sacrifices can be offered for a person for special occasions (ex. anniversaries, birthdays, First Communion, Confirmation, Ordination, Wedding, Baptism, feast days, times of illness, etc.). 


Here are some suggestions to what can be offered in a Spiritual Bouquet: 

1. number of prayer(s) ex. novena - 9 days of prayer, number of a specific prayer like Our Father or Hail Mary, decades of the Rosary
2. Holy Mass(es)
3. Visit(s) to Adoration
4. Day(s) of fasting
5. Holy Rosary 
6. Divine Mercy Chaplet or a Chaplet of your choice
7. Stations of the Cross
8. Corporal Works of Mercy ex. volunter works of service, visit the sick, acts of kindness/ charity 
9. Acts of Penance



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