We are stewards of God's gifts, and as we build the new consolidated parish of St. Edward’s, we ask you to share your gifts lovingly with others, to the glory of the Lord.
As a community of faith we want to actively enrich every life through an organization that is right for them.We encourage those who are interested in volunteering for Ministry, to complete a Ministry Check Form, linked below and also available at the entrance to the church. The form can be deposited in the collection box, given to an usher or Fr. Fleming, or dropped off at the office. There are many areas in need of volunteers. Some particular areas are Presenting the Gifts, Reading the Word, Ushering, becoming a Eucharistic Minister, Mass Co-ordination, Singing in the Choir, bringing the Word to Seniors’ facilities. Feel free to contact the parish office, or to talk to any of our Ministers for more information.
It is thrilling to see a growth in the congregation and though we are gradually resuming pre-pandemic activities, collection of your weekly offering is still happening through the boxes located by the doors.
The Church is a family in faith who gather to thank God and praise Him; but also to share time and find support and encouragement from each other. Attendance is or should be a joyful Christian and social experience.
Ushers (Ministers of Hospitality) can be considered as hosts of
the family gathering. T are integral in setting the tone by welcoming other members and seeing to their comfort.
The Eucharist is a Sacrifice of thanksgiving and adoration to the Father, a blessing by which the Church expresses Her gratitude to God for all His benefits, for all that He has accomplished through creation, redemption and sanctification. An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a parishioner, selected by the Pastor and mandated by the Bishop, who serves, distributes, and administers the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the Holy Communion or Eucharist of the Church Service.
Lectors are members of the Parish Congregation who proclaim the Word of God so that our lives may be nourished at the table and so strengthen us on our journey to live the Christian mission. Lectors may also announce the Intercessions and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings.
The offering of bread and wine to the priest is an action of great symbolism and it reminds us to place our own hearts on the altar to be transformed.
In the early Church, members of the local congregation baked the bread and made the wine. These were sacrifices of the people to be transformed into the sacrifice of the Lord.
The Sacristan is an officer charged with the care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents. In ancient times many duties of the sacristan were performed by the doorkeepers.
Sacristans do the quiet work of preparing for and assisting at Mass. They may care for altar linens, order wine and hosts, arrange liturgical books for the altar, lay out vestments for the clergy, light candles and even help with cleaning up after Mass has ended. They are integral to the celebration of the Mass.
Music ministry is about enhancing the worship experience for the congregation at prayer. It builds relationships, witnesses to the greatness of God, quiets the mind and prepares it for truly hearing the Word. “Music ministry is about prayer, not performance; humility, not power; and the cultivation of joy that transcends even the darkest moments.” It is said that to sing is to pray twice, with word and song. The sound of a choir and congregation lifting their voices together is immensely powerful and emotional.
SCREENING IN FAITH – Volunteer Screening Initiative
To comply with the requirements of our Insurance Company all volunteers and employees within the Archdiocese must be screened. Screening in Faith is simply a process designed to create and maintain a safe environment in our parishes. The goal at all times is the protection of our vulnerable people, our volunteers, our paid staff and our Church resources. The programme also ensures that the most appropriate match is made between the volunteer and the position. Thus, it is now a permanent policy of the Archdiocese of St. John’s to screen all parish volunteer ministry positions. We begin the process in our parish by asking all volunteers to complete the required forms.
For employees and volunteers for “high risk” positions, permission to request and review a police record check will be required, as well as contact information of three references.
High Risk positions are those where the individuals;
work with youth 18 years of age and younger
work with those 65 years of age or older
work with vulnerable adults over 18 years of age
are involved with finances
handle parish or archdiocesan funds, or
hold keys to buildings belonging to a parish or to the Archdiocese.
Every Saturday 4PM
Every Sunday at 10:30AM
WEEKDAY MASSES (Please check bulletin for changes)
Tuesday - Thursday at 10AM
Friday at 7PM
Saturdays - 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm
Sundays – 9:30 am – 10:00 am
Wednesdays - 10:30 – 11:00 am or by appointment